Plugin Placeholder List
Shows the server's online status on the website.
Displays the online status of players on the website.
Indicates the voice status of players, whether their voice is active or not.
Displays whether a player is in admin mode online or not.
Shows if a player is muted or unmuted.
Shows the player's status. If the player is muted, it will show "mute." If the player's voice is active, it will show "active." If the player is inactive, it will show "inactive."
Indicates whether a player has self-muted or not, and you can customize the message in the config.yml
Indicates whether a player has deafened or not.
Reveals the current control state of the player, whether they are muted, unmuted, deafened, or undeafened.
Displays the player currently in a call.
Displays the player currently in a pending call.
Display the player is talking in voice chat or not.
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