
sendStartQRCode Method in MelodyManager Class

The sendStartQRCode method is a part of the MelodyManager class in the MelodyMine plugin. This method is used to send a QR code to a player in the game. The QR code is placed in a specific slot in the player's inventory or in the player's offhand.

Method Signature

public void sendStartQRCode(Player player, int slot, boolean offhand)





The player to whom the QR code will be sent.



The inventory slot where the QR code will be placed.



If true, the QR code will be placed in the player's offhand. If false, it will be placed in the specified inventory slot.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use the sendStartQRCode method in another plugin:

import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import ir.taher7.melodymine.core.MelodyManager;

public class ExamplePlugin {

    public void sendQRCodeToPlayer(String playerName) {
        Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(playerName);
        if (player != null) {
            MelodyManager.INSTANCE.sendStartQRCode(player, 0, false);
            Bukkit.getLogger().info("Sent QR code to " + playerName);
        } else {
            Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Player " + playerName + " not found.");

In this example, the sendQRCodeToPlayer method in the ExamplePlugin class retrieves a player by their name, sends a QR code to the first slot of their inventory using the sendStartQRCode method, and logs a message to the console. If the player is not found, a warning is logged to the console.

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