
endPendingCall Method in MelodyManager Class

The endPendingCall method is a part of the MelodyManager class in the MelodyMine plugin. This method is used to end a pending call between two players in the MelodyMine system. It takes two MelodyPlayer objects as parameters, representing the two players involved in the call.

Method Signature

In Java, the method signature would look like this:

public void endPendingCall(MelodyPlayer melodyPlayer, MelodyPlayer targetPlayer)





The first player involved in the call.



The second player involved in the call.


To use this method in another plugin, you would first need to get instances of the MelodyPlayer objects for the two players. You can do this using the getMelodyPlayer and getMelodyPlayerFromSocketID methods in the MelodyManager class.

Here is an example of how you might use this method in a Java class:

import ir.taher7.melodymine.core.MelodyManager;
import ir.taher7.melodymine.models.MelodyPlayer;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;

public class ExampleClass {

    public void endCallExample(String playerUUID, String targetPlayerUUID) {
        MelodyPlayer player = MelodyManager.INSTANCE.getMelodyPlayer(playerUUID);
        MelodyPlayer targetPlayer = MelodyManager.INSTANCE.getMelodyPlayer(targetPlayerUUID);

        if (player != null && targetPlayer != null) {
            MelodyManager.INSTANCE.endPendingCall(player, targetPlayer);
            Bukkit.getLogger().info("Pending call between " + player.getName() + " and " + targetPlayer.getName() + " has been ended.");

In this example, endCallExample is a method that takes the UUIDs of two players as strings. It retrieves the MelodyPlayer objects for these players using the getMelodyPlayer method, and then uses the endPendingCall method to end any pending call between them. If the call is successfully ended, a message is printed to the console.

Remember to check that the MelodyPlayer objects are not null before calling endPendingCall. If either of the players does not exist in the MelodyMine system, getMelodyPlayer will return null.

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