
enableAdminMode Method in MelodyManager Class

The enableAdminMode method is a part of the MelodyManager class in the MelodyMine plugin. This method is used to enable the admin mode for a specific player in the client.

Method Signature

public void enableAdminMode(String uuid)





The unique identifier of the player for whom the admin mode is to be enabled.


To use this method in other plugins, you need to import the MelodyManager class and call the enableAdminMode method on its instance. Here is an example:

import ir.taher7.melodymine.core.MelodyManager;

public class ExamplePlugin {
    public void enableAdminForPlayer(String uuid) {
        Bukkit.getLogger().info("Admin mode enabled for player with UUID: " + uuid);

In the above example, we have a method enableAdminForPlayer in our ExamplePlugin class. This method takes a player's UUID as a parameter and enables the admin mode for that player using the enableAdminMode method from MelodyManager. It then logs a message to the console indicating that the admin mode has been enabled for the player.

Make sure that the UUID passed to the enableAdminMode method is valid and corresponds to a player in the server. Invalid UUIDs will not have any effect.

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