⚙️Web Usage

MelodyMine Web Developer mode

Running MelodyMine on localhost for developing parts of the website.

Before you start, you need a MySQL database. You can use XAMPP to install MySQL. Download and install XAMPP from the link below, then create a database for your server after installation.

You also need to have Node.js installed on your system. If it's not installed, download and install Node.js.

Step 1: Download Repository

Download the MelodyMine repository from GitHub.


Step 2: Create .env file for WebSocket Server

Navigate to the web/server directory and create a file named .env with the following values.



Please note that the WEBSOCKET_PLUGIN_AUTH_KEY must match the plugin_key in the plugin's settings.yml file. and also, the WEBSOCKET_WEB_AUTH_KEY must match the WEBSOCKET_KEY in the client's .env file.

Step 3: Install Dependency, Prisma and Run WebSocket Server

Open a terminal in the web/server directory and run the following command.

npm i
npx prisma generate
npm run start

Note: Open your browser and ensure that the address localhost:4000 loads completely.

Step 4: Create .env file for Client

Navigate to the web/client directory and create a file named .env with the following values.





Please note that the WEBSOCKET_KEY in the server's .env file must match the WEBSOCKET_WEB_AUTH_KEY.

Step 5: Install Dependency, Prisma and Run Client

Open a terminal in the web/client directory and run the following command.

npm i
npx prisma generate
npm run dev

If you don't want to use Next.js in developer mode, instead of running

npm run dev


npm run build
npm start

Note: Open your browser and ensure that the address localhost:3000 loads completely.

Step 6: Download and Install Plugin

Download the latest version of the MelodyMine plugin from the following link and place it in the plugins folder of your server.


Step 7: Configure mysql.yml file

Restart the server to generate the plugin files. After the files are created, navigate to the server/plugins/MelodyMine directory,

open the mysql.yml file, and enter your database details.

Step 8: Configure settings.yml file

Navigate to the server/plugins/MelodyMine directory and open the settings.yml file.

Set the plugin_key value to exactly the same value you set in the server's .env file for WEBSOCKET_PLUGIN_AUTH_KEY:


Step 9: Test MelodyMine in Server

Restart the server to apply the changes. After the server restarts, enter the server and run the command /melodymine start link.

After receiving the link, click on it to enter the voice chat.

If you encounter any issues during the MelodyMine installation, feel free to join the Discord support channel and seek assistance Discord.

Last updated