
SayanVanish needs an active internet connection to be enabled on your server. Ensure your server is connected to the internet during the initial startup.

Bukkit Installation

  1. Download the Plugin

  2. Install the Plugin

    • Place the downloaded jar file inside the plugins folder.

  3. Restart the Server

    • Restart your Minecraft server to load the plugin.

Do NOT copy and paste the SayanVanish directory across multiple servers. The settings.yml file contains a unique ID generated during the plugin's first startup. Duplicating this file could lead to synchronization issues.

Optional Steps

  • Configure Database

    • Modify the database.yml file to change the database type if necessary.

  • Customize Features

    • Adjust settings in the features folder to enable or disable specific features.

  • Setup Permissions

    • Configure the appropriate permissions for your users.


Proxy (Velocity/Bungeecord) Installation

Using proxy modules to sync data between servers is not necessary. These modules enable the %sayanvanish_online_total% and %sayanvanish_online_<server>% placeholders and allow API calls from Velocity to backend servers.

You will still be required to install SayanVanish on your backend servers to ensure proper functionality.

  1. Download the Plugin

    • Download the SayanVanish Velocity/Bungeecord jar file from Hangar or Modrinth.

  2. Install the Plugin

    • Place the downloaded jar file in your plugins directory.

  3. Restart the Proxy

    • Restart your proxy server to load the plugin.

  4. Configure Database on Proxy

    • Navigate to the SayanVanish folder on your proxy server and change the database method to MySQL or Redis.

  5. Configure Database on Backend Servers

    • On each of your backend servers, change the database method to MySQL or Redis.

  6. Enable Proxy Mode

    • Set proxy-mode to true in the settings.yml file on your backend servers.

  7. Restart Servers

    • Restart both your proxy and backend servers to apply the changes.

Last updated