
This document provides an overview of the configuration options available in the database.yml

Database Settings

  • method: This setting determines the database method used by the application. It's a string value and can be either SQL or REDIS.

  • sql: This is a nested setting that contains the configuration for the SQL database. It includes the following sub-settings:

    • method: The specific SQL method to use. It can be MYSQL or SQLITE.

    • host: The host address of the SQL server.

    • port: The port number of the SQL server.

    • database: The name of the database to connect to.

    • username: The username for the SQL server.

    • password: The password for the SQL server.

    • pool-properties: These are properties for the connection pool, including maximum-pool-size, minimum-idle, maximum-lifetime, keepalive-time, connection-timeout, and use-ssl.

    • table-prefix: The prefix to use for table names in the database.

  • redis: This is a nested setting that contains the configuration for the Redis database. It includes the following sub-settings:

    • type: The type of Redis setup. It can only be STANDALONE.

    • standalone: This is a nested setting that contains the configuration for a standalone Redis setup. It includes host, port, user, password, and ssl.

    • cluster: This is a nested setting that contains the configuration for a Redis cluster setup. It includes nodes (a list of node addresses), user, password, and ssl.

  • use-cache-when-available: This is a boolean setting that controls whether the application should use cache when it's available.

Here's an example of how these settings might look in the database.yml file:

method: SQL
    method: MYSQL
    host: localhost
    port: 3306
    database: sayanvanish
    username: root
    password: admin
        maximum-pool-size: 10
        minimum-idle: 10
        maximum-lifetime: 1800000
        keepalive-time: 0
        connection-timeout: 5000
        use-ssl: false
    table-prefix: sayanvanish_
    type: STANDALONE
        host: localhost
        port: 6379
        user: ''
        password: ''
        ssl: false
use-cache-when-available: true

Please note that these settings can be changed according to your requirements. Make sure to restart the application after making any changes for them to take effect.

Important: If you are going to use SQLite as your database method, please note that the proxy mode does not work.

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