
In the SayanVanish plugin, there are two main events that you can listen to: BukkitUserVanishEvent and BukkitUserUnVanishEvent. These events are triggered when a user vanishes or unvanishes respectively.


This event is triggered when a user vanishes. You can listen to this event to perform actions when a user vanishes.

Example Usage

import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.sayandev.sayanvanish.bukkit.api.event.BukkitUserVanishEvent;

public class MyPluginListener implements Listener {

    public void onUserVanish(BukkitUserVanishEvent event) {
        // Your code here
        System.out.println(event.getUser().getUsername() + " has vanished!");


This event is triggered when a user unvanishes. You can listen to this event to perform actions when a user unvanishes.

Example Usage

import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.sayandev.sayanvanish.bukkit.api.event.BukkitUserUnVanishEvent;

public class MyPluginListener implements Listener {

    public void onUserUnVanish(BukkitUserUnVanishEvent event) {
        // Your code here
        System.out.println(event.getUser().getUsername() + " has unvanished!");

In both examples, MyPluginListener is a class that implements the Listener interface. The onUserVanish and onUserUnVanish methods are marked with the @EventHandler annotation to indicate that they are event handlers. When a BukkitUserVanishEvent or BukkitUserUnVanishEvent is triggered, the corresponding method will be called.

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