
Welcome to the documentation for SayanVanish, a versatile vanish system that allows you to disappear and reappear on your server network at will, along with many other features.

Supported Platforms

SayanVanish is compatible with the following platforms:

  • Minecraft

    • Bukkit

    • Paper

      • Folia

    • Proxy

      • Velocity

      • Bungeecord

Key Features


SayanVanish is designed as a modular system. Each module serves a specific purpose, which simplifies the maintenance and extension of the plugin.

Extensive API

SayanVanish includes a comprehensive API, allowing other plugins to interact with it and utilize its features.

Integration with Other Plugins

The API provided by SayanVanish enables deep integration with other plugins, facilitating the development of additional server management tools.

For detailed setup and usage instructions, please refer to the subsequent sections.

Last updated