"Vanished" Team Warning

Disable the prevent_push feature located in the features directory, or run the command /sayanvanish feature disable prevent_push to turn it off

Fly turns off after reappearing from vanish

To maintain your flying status when you reappear, you need the sayanvanish.action.vanish.fly.keep_after_reappear permission.

Vanish commands are not recognized

To use the main vanish command, you need the sayanvanish.commands.use permission. For other commands, you need the corresponding permission in the format sayanvanish.commands.<literal1>.<literal2>.<literaln>.

For example, to use the command /sayanvanish feature toggleplayer <feature> [player], you need the sayanvanish.commands.feature.toggleplayer permission.

If you’re using a proxy command (/sayanvanishproxy), make sure to quit and rejoin after granting yourself the necessary permissions.

SayanVanish Doesn't Recognize * Permission or Operator Status

There are two possible scenarios:

  1. Proxy Permission: Some permissions depend on processes managed by the proxy (e.g., Velocity, Bungeecord). To use these permissions, you'll need a plugin like LuckPermsVelocity.

  2. LuckPerms Integration: If LuckPerms is installed on your server and you're using its permission check inside hook_luckperms feature, SayanVanish will use LuckPerms API to handle permissions. To change this behavior, you can disable the check-permission-via-luckperms option in hook_luckperms.yml within the features directory. You can do this using the command /sayanvanish feature hook_luckperms update checkPermissionViaLuckPerms false. Alternatively (Recommended), you can assign specific permissions using LuckPerms. For instance, if you want to have vanish-on-join permission, you should grant sayanvanish.action.vanish.onjoin. If you need to use the vanish feature, assign sayanvanish.vanish.use directly.

Commands And Permissions

Last updated