"Vanished" Team Warning

Disable the prevent_push feature located in the features directory, or run the command /sayanvanish feature disable prevent_push to turn it off

Fly turns off after reappearing from vanish

To maintain your flying status when you reappear, you need the sayanvanish.action.vanish.fly.keep_after_reappear permission.

Vanish commands are not recognized

To use the main vanish command, you need the sayanvanish.commands.use permission. For other commands, you need the corresponding permission in the format sayanvanish.commands.<literal1>.<literal2>.<literaln>.

For example, to use the command /sayanvanish feature toggleplayer <feature> [player], you need the sayanvanish.commands.feature.toggleplayer permission.

If you’re using a proxy command (/sayanvanishproxy), make sure to quit and rejoin after granting yourself the necessary permissions.

SayanVanish Doesn't Recognize * Permission or Operator Status

There are two possible scenarios:

  1. Proxy Permission: Some permissions depend on processes managed by the proxy (e.g., Velocity, Bungeecord). To use these permissions, you'll need a plugin like LuckPermsVelocity.

  2. LuckPerms Integration: If LuckPerms is installed on your server, SayanVanish will use its API to handle permissions. This helps prevent issues, such as the sayanvanish.action.vanish.onjoin permission being automatically granted if you're an operator or have * permissions. To change this behavior, you can disable the check-permission-via-luckperms option in hook_luckperms.yml within the features directory. You can do this using the command /sayanvanish feature hook_luckperms update checkPermissionViaLuckPerms false. Alternatively (Recommended), you can assign specific permissions using LuckPerms. For instance, if you want to have vanish-on-join permission, you should grant sayanvanish.action.vanish.onjoin. If you need to use the vanish feature, assign sayanvanish.vanish.use directly.

How can I disable vanished on join?

The permission that controls vanishing on join is sayanvanish.action.vanish.onjoin. If you have operator access or * permission, this permission is automatically granted to you, which can lead to unwanted behavior. Installing LuckPerms will resolve this issue since the plugin will use its permission checks to prevent it. However, if you prefer to disable this permission manually on any server, you can use any permission plugin to set this permission to false. For example, with LuckPerms, you can use the command: /luckperms user <user> permission set sayanvanish.action.vanish.onjoin false

Commands And Permissions

Last updated